Programme et séances saison 3 2016-2017 > 16 Juin 2017 : Corinna Guerra (EHESS, HasteC), Le futur d'un livre scientifique : sa traduction par Mariangela Ardinghelli et sa circulation en ItalieIntervenante : Corinna Guerra (EHESS, Hastec) Le futur d'un livre scientifique : sa traduction par Mariangela Ardinghelli et sa circulation en Italie Résumé : When books start living? When the author thought them, when he wrote them, when they are published or when they are known by a large public? It is not easy to reply, but in the Eighteenth century some cases of translations of scientific texts can be useful to reflect about that question. The paper focuses on the translation of the seminal work of Stephen Hales Vegetable Staticks (1727) by a brilliant young woman, whose name was Mariangela Ardinghelli (1728-1825). This book initiated new ideas in chemistry and medicine, but many Italian scholars knew the discoveries of the famous English physiologist by the first and only Italian translation published in Naples (i.e. Southern Italy) in 1756. It is due to the choice of the scholar, which consisted on reading the French translation or the Italian one, the final approach to content of the book. Because Ardinghelli’s work is quite different from the French translation by the famous G. L. De Buffon; she added her notes to the text, she also fit the theory to her local context converting, e. g., all English weights and measurements into their Neapolitan equivalents. The aim of the paper is to show how the influence and the diffusion of the Italian translation modified the transmission of Hales’ works in Italy, through an analysis of Latin, Italian, French and English sources. (pour les deux images : http://www.bg.ic.ac.uk/research/k.parker/wave_intensity_web/history_hales.htm ( Hales)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Angela_Ardinghelli#/media/File:Portrait_Medallion_of_Maria_Ardinghelli,_Institut_de_France.jpg ( Ardinghelli) (vus le 7juin 2017))
Bibliographie pour l'exposé:
Circulation as Translation of Books: the Case Ardinghelli in the 18th Century Naples, dans Roca-Rosell, A. (ed.), The Circulation of Science and Technology: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the ESHS, Barcelona, SCHCT-IEC, 2012, p. 986-89 Guerlac Henry, Hales Stephen, in Aa. Vv., Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Charles Scribner’s sons, New York, 1970, vol.VI, pp. 35-48. « Giornale di Fisica della Società Italiana di Fisica », vol. 30, fasc. 1-2 (1989), vol. 31, n. 1-2 (1990), en particulier le texte de Walter Bernardi intitulé: Influssi newtoniani nella biologia del Settecento, pp. 71-76. Hales Stephen, La statique des vegetaux, et l’analyse de l’air. Expériences nouvelles lues a la Societé Royale de Londres. Par m. Hales... Ouvrage traduit de l’anglois, par m. de Buffon, Paris, chez Debure l’aine, a l’entrée du quay des Augustins, du cote du pont Saint Michel, a Saint Paul, de l’imprimerie de Jacques Vincent, 1735. «Nuncius. Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science» comte-rendu de Kawashima K., Émilie du Châtelet et Marie-Anne Lavoisier, Parigi 2013, vol. 30, 3, p. 741-744.
Sur l'intervenante:
Dr. Guerra is membre associée au Laboratoire d’Excellence HASTEC (France) and researcher in a one-year project at the Società Napoletana di Storia Patria (Italy). In 2016 she was postdoctoral researcher in Paris at the Centre A. Koyré (EHESS-CNRS-MNHS) where she co-organised with M. Thebaud-Sorger the International Study Day The workshop of nature. Production of material knowledge, material production of knowledge. She defended her PhD thesis in 2011 at the University of Bari (Italy) on the introduction and development of the new theories of the Chemical Revolution in the Kingdom of Naples and its book Lavoisier e Parthenope. Contributo ad una storia della chimica del regno di Napoli (Naples, Società Napoletana di Storia Patria & Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici) ISBN 9788880440857 is under press. While her current postdoctoral project examines Mount Vesuvius as a multimensional, chemical object. She was invited speaker in many international meetings and now is Member of the Scientific Committee of the 11th International Conference of the History of Chemistry (EuCheMS, CHF, NTNU, NKS, The Research Council of Norway). She is member of the editorial board of the journal «Archivio storico delle province napoletane». She teaches History of science to undergraduate and postgraduate students since 2007. Among her publications :
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